Washing Sins with Water, Hail, & Snow.


🌿Friday Reflections 🌿

“Purify with 3 Elements”

Have you ever thought……

Why does Allah 🌟compare washing of the sins with – 💧Water. ⛄Snow. ❄Hail ?

In the hadeeth:

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يستفتح صلاته فيقول : اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب، الله نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس، اللهم اغسل خطاياي بالماء والثلج والبرد . (البخاري ومسلم)

The Prophet saw used to make this dua upon starting salah: ” O Allah, cleanse 🛁me of it as a white garment 👕is cleansed of 🐾dirt, O Allah purify me with ❄snow and hail and 💦cold water ” (Sahid Bukhari & Muslim).

The scholars said, the combination of all 3 elements ✨is the epitome of 🌈purification.

From a scientific 👩🏻‍🔬perspective: water has the miraculous ability to clean❕ and dissolve dirt.

Water molecules (H2O) have a polarity and 🔬ability to dissolve a lot of substances. Water will break 🔗the attraction between dirt particles. These particles 📍then stick and disperse among water molecules ⭕causing them to essentially “wash off” 🚰whatever surface they are on- hands, ✋🏽clothes, 👖etc.

Ok, you ask then why was ice and hail mentioned?

When water freezes💠 it reaches 0C and the way the molecules connect🔗 with each other changes their molecular structure called a 🌐Benzene ring.

Some particles such as wax or gum 🍬can’t be removed with 🍶water alone because it can’t penetrate their molecular 🔰attraction, since it is so strong. However, the frigidity 🌀of snow or hail makes the molecules of these particles come close to each other and 💢contract. Extremely cold temperature makes things 🎈shrink right?

Now the power 💪🏼of adherence between the particles and the cloth 👔decreases 📈since they have moved 📛away from it.

Even more so than snow, hail is even of a more 💠solid nature and is formed at subzero centigrade. So with irremovable stains 🐾Hail will make these dirt/stain molecules contract 🔆🔅even more than snow and help remove them.

What a beautiful analogy Allah subhanahu provides us!

The stages 🛁removing dirt or stains is the utmost perfection 💙of purity. Both on a scientific ❇level and a ⚜divine one.

In Islam, nothing 🐜even if small or seemingly trivial is missed. There is wisdom behind everything.

May Allah cleanse our sins 👐🏽and purify 💖us. Ameen ya rab.

[Credit: Fatwa.islamweb, quran-m .com, Safa A]

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