Day 18: “Focus on Yourself”


🌙 Ramadan Reminders: Day1⃣8⃣ 🌙 “Focus on Yourself”

Someone once said, “If you want peace of mind, do not find faults👀 in others. Rather learn to see your 👉🏽own faults .”

Why do we distract ourselves 👩🏻‍💻from what is important? We tend to look for people’s flaws and their faults and forget our own. And when it comes down to the business 📲of others, we our curious to dive in their personal matters. But where is the focus on our matters – be they worldly 💼 or religious ?

The Prophetﷺ said:
( ييُبْصِرُأَحَدُكُمُ الْقَذَى فِي عَيْنِ أَخِيهِ وَيَنْسَى الْجِذْعَ أَوْ قَالَ : الْجِذْلَ فِي عَيْنِهِ ) “One of you sees a speck of dirt 👓▪in his brother’s eye, yet forgets the larger spot ⬛in his own eye.” Imam al-Baqir similarly says, “Sufficient is a person’s own defect (in himself) 🚧 that he tries to pick and look for faults 🚥in other people, when he himself has those same 🚦faults in himself (and does not recognize them)!”

This is a disease of the heart. It is only those insincere people 💔who find fault 📐with others without looking 🔍at their own. Not only do they corrupt their own 🚬soul, but they sow the seeds 🌽😡of animosity within the community and cause public humiliation and embarrassment😔.

Imam Ali says, “One who contemplates his own flaws is too busy to consider other people’s faults”

Imam Al-Shafee eloquently said: “Don’t allow your tongue 👅to utter the fault of another person, because you are covered 👤in faults and everyone 👥else has tongues too. Don’t allow your eyes to fall 👀on the faults of others. Turn away your eyes 🙈and say to your eyes, ‘oh eyes, other people have eyes too.”
إذا رمت أن تحيا سليماً من الردى .. ودينك موفور وعِرْضُكَ صَيِنّ
لســــــــانك لا تذكر به عورة امرئ .. فكلك عــورات وللناس ألسن
وعينــــــــاك إن أبدت إليك معايباً .. فدعها وقل يا عين للناس أعين

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said: من حُسنِ إسلام المرءِ تركُهُ ما لا * يعنيه” *Part of the perfection of one’s Islam 🌟is his leaving that which does not concern him .” [Tirmidhi].

So do not waste your time ⌚nitpicking and amusing yourselves in the troubles and faults of others, rather work on your self… reflect, self-evaluate, 💚improve. And when you see someone struggling do not ✂disgrace, belittle 💘them or backbite 📍behind their back. Rather help them by extending a hand, sincerely advising 👍🏽them, overlooking their flaws, and not 👮🏽‍♂exposing their sins. Be genuine and strengthen the brotherhood. We are all human and we make 👩🏾mistakes, and most importantly we all need one another.

[Credit: IslamicInsights, avb.s-oman. net, Safa A]

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