Day 29: “Acceptance of Deeds”


🌙 Ramadan Reminders: Day 2⃣9⃣🌙
“ Acceptance of Deeds “

Ramadan 🌔is coming to an end. But how do we know if ours was accepted?

رُبَّ صائمٍ حظُّه من صيامه الجوعُ والعطش
“Perhaps a person fasting will receive nothing from his fasting except hunger and 🍶thirst.” (Ahmad).

The key to acceptance whether it is Post-Ramadan📆, after Hajj, or after any good deed is: Has it changed our lives for the better? If we gauge our lives afterwards we can tell whether we have wasted ⌛our time and 🔌energy- if our lives have remained the same- or we have made changes- that are for the better, even if they are small- that will take into effect 📝well past Ramadan.

We cannot be the “Ramadan Muslims” 📇who each year transform into Super Muslims full of energy, 🔋worshipping and 💶donating, dropping 🎧🎼bad habits and going to the masjid on a regular basis. But then when Ramadan ends, they shed that spiritual 👘cloak and resume their lives as if Ramadan was the only time they felt a connection to Allah.

Remember you are in need of Allah, he is not in need of your worship nor anyone else’s for that matter.

{ والله الغني وأنتم الفقراء. وان تتولوا يستبدل قوما غيركم ثم لا يكونوا أمثالكم }
“And Allah is rich (free of all wants) and you (mankind) are 🙌🏼poor. If you were to turn away 👤from Him, He will replace you with another people 👥who will not be like you” (47:38)

Our lives should be lived with Allah, ⌚24/7, 365 days of the year. We don’t turn an on/off button nor do we become like those who Allah stated in the quran, ” Forgot Allah, so Allah made them forget 🎭themselves.”

Yes, Ramadan is a re-charge🔌 but its energy should not 🔋fizzle out afterwards. We all need some sort of re-charge and eman boosts 💗every once in a while, whether in the form of something major like an umrah or something of a lecture or weekend 📒seminar, throughout the year. But do not be like those who practice their religion when it is ☝🏼convenient for them or only during a specific time

{ إن ينصركم الله فلا غالب لكم وإن يخذلكم فمن ذا الذي ينصركم من بعده}
{ If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If he forsakes you , who is there, after that, that can help you? } (3:160)

Be consistent, 📋be grateful to Allah…. drop your bad habits 📲, don’t be a follower… surround yourself with good friends who remind you of Allah… set short term goals 📌first and start 📏small … restore and strengthen 🔗your relationship with Allah

Let Ramadan be the beginning of your journey, not the end of a short trip.

[Credit: Safa A, AboutIslam. net, quran. com]

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