Incredible: Bridge of a Million Ants

Army ants (scientific name: Marabunta) are one of the most aggressive ants. So much so that a Brazilian electrical engineer Francisco Boni showed what seemed like a million ants creating an inverted bridge to attach a wasp next!

At first one would think the ants did could have just walked across the roof. However,  ants don’t prefer walking upside down especially with a heavy load to carry on their back that can easily succumb to the pull of gravity. Rather they formed a bridge to carry the load on their back comfortably without the possibility their loot would slip off 🙂

What is more impressive? As if their level of intelligence and calculated engineering is not enough!

The worker ants are practically blind! They rely on pheromones to follow the trail and can have “over 15 million workers …. transporting 3000 prey (items) per hour during the raid period.”(Wikipedia)

So we have seen their smarts and brute. However, army ants have a systematic method of doing things and are extremely organized. During campaigns they create a sort of highway system.  “The concentration of pheromone is highest in the middle of the trail, splitting the trail into two distinct regions: area with high concentration and two areas with low concentrations of pheromones. The outbound ants will occupy the outer two lanes and the returning ants will occupy the central lane.” (Wikipedia)

They are also able to create bridges and rafts to cross over water!!


How cool is that?


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